This comes from a dōTERRA lady, and friend in dōTERRA who says “its part of our duty of service to help people to reduce their environmental impact”. dōTERRA does a lot by using recycled materials but we can do more.
Other tips: You can reuse the pouches – shampoo/conditioner/US abōde cleaning range refill pouches etc. The labels aren’t removable unfortunately but you can just put your own label on the top. They are perfect for filling with water and freezing to use as freezer packs in lunch boxes or esky’s. re-label or write in waterproof texta pens. The ziplock top pouches such as the Easy Air and On Guard Drops pouches can be reused for taking damp face cloths to sport events, in the car, for picnics etc. Just grab a facecloth, wet it and squeeze out a bit, pop into the bag and take. You can also cool it in the fridge for hot days.

At a pinch, you could also reuse the Hand and Body Lotion tubes (they’re the largest of the tubes) to make plant watering things. Snip the bottom off, cut the lid off, then push the top into the soil and fill with water. It’ll gradually water the plants – like those water bottle stakes you can get to put onto plastic water bottles. Haven’t actually tried this but the concept works in my head. It would only do for a few days tho, not extended time away.
The supplement bottles etc can be repurposed as pantry storage especially for camping, etc. Just remove the label, and fill with spices, label and store. Hello great herbs and spice bottles – being opaque, the spices etc won’t degrade as quickly as they do in clear containers. Tip: make up your own spice mixes and rubs. For example, I like to make curries etc with Tandoori Spice Paste I make in my Thermomix. However, it’s not ideal to take away on holidays as it needs to be stored in the fridge or freezer after making. So, I’ve worked out how to make up just the spice mix – grind up the spices and store in a repurposed supplement bottle. Then all I need to do is add the garlic and ginger and some tomato paste and blitz up to make the paste when I need it. Yes, I do often take my Thermomix with me when I travel.

The Veràge skin care range can partly be reused. The face wash is hard cos of the lid. However, the toner spray bottle can be turned into any sort of spray – it’s such a pretty colour. The label doesn’t come off but you can decorate it with washi tape or vinyl – it’s such a pretty base colour and I love the gold lid. The serum pump can be reused as well. Again label doesn’t come off but you can make your own serum to put into it. Relabel as above. You can also use it to make a hand sanitiser gel – ideal car or handbag size.

Repurpose the Body Butter, Body Scrub, and Yarrow|Pom Beauty Capsule jars for bath salts for gifts and for storage. I store small objects like beads in them. The YP ones in particular are great for homemade sunscreen and taking smaller amounts of Body Butter/Scrub or homemade butter/scrub away on holidays or to give as gifts. Let’s face it, once someone uses the Body Butter, they’re gonna want to buy more. It’s fabulous. They can also be used to take tea/coffee/sugar away on short trips, picnics etc.

The Daily Moisturiser pump can also be reused to make your own moisturiser or hand sanitiser or whatever. You could also use it as a stain remove by filling with some OGCC to then pump a bit onto a stain and massage in. Hope they help. I’m sure I’ll come up with more if I sit and think long enough but you get the picture. I challenge you next time you’re faced with an empty whatever to stop before throwing it away and ask yourself “what can I do with this?”.
Share with us how to repurpose or reuse your oily bottles!